Aether 2 mod 1.5.2
Aether 2 mod 1.5.2

  • The Slider now drops a maximum of 16 lightning knives in one stack.
  • The Slider boss room's door now reseals while fighting.
  • The Slider no longer destroys the boss room.
  • Registered all Aether entities as mod entities.
  • Added a configuration option for the Aether Biome ID.
  • Disabled the Aether Portal in the Nether.
  • The Hammer of Notch now correctly applies damage.
  • Made the Labyrinth Totem's drone sound quieter.
  • Whitelisted and offline mode servers can no longer be added to the Cloud Network.
  • Pickblock now returns a spawn egg on Aether entities.
  • Ice Pendants no longer destroy water streams.
  • Lightning Knives and Tempest Lightning damage has been halved.
  • Dungeon generation has been optimized to help reduce server load and improve performance.
  • Rendering issues, such as when you have Optifine installed, have been mostly (if not completely) resolved!.
  • Tempest lightning damage has been reduced a bit, and the Cockatrice poison needle's nausea effect is now shorter
  • We've also listened to you guys and tweaked the Cockatrice and Tempest to be a bit easier.
  • The Slider fight has revisited it's more classic days! We've tweaked how the Slider reacts with multiple people, and made him no longer break blocks.
  • The Cloud Network has been completely rewritten! Yes, really! That means you won't get that pesky "NullPointerException" when you join cloud servers anymore.
  • Parties have seen a ton of fixes! The sidebar HUD now updates correctly, and the player menus now correctly update.
  • Also during this update the AOS had returned on this date. There was also some mod comparability issues that were resolved. This patch was released on Novemfixing numerous bugs and performance improvements.

    aether 2 mod 1.5.2 aether 2 mod 1.5.2

    This patch was released on Septemfixing some major bugs like severs crashing when using the Hammer of Notch and major mod pack incompatibilities.

    aether 2 mod 1.5.2

    Big patches appear in this patch like party and dungeon fixes. A huge bug fix update to the Aether II mod, which released on September 13, 2015.

    Aether 2 mod 1.5.2